Celebrating culture

Because there is more to summer than just sunbathing, the MUDAS.HOTsummer promotes art and culture at Casa das Mudas.

A marathon open to all marks the end of the MUDAS.Hotsummer initiative. On September 9th, the doors of Madeira’s Museum of Contemporary Art remain open until 11 p.m. Participants can expect a diversified activity programme.

Starting at 6 p.m., there will be the viewing of a film on the history of Bossa Nova, an opportunity for the public to learn a bit more about the history of this musical genre. Then, at 8 p.m., there is to be a guided tour to the resident exhibitions. And finally, bringing the night to a close, the Portuguese Bossa Nova group ‘Maracangalha’ will be playing a concert, starting at 9 p.m. This is a quartet comprised by Bruno Santos, Inês Sousa, Romeu Tristão and André Sousa Machado.

The MUDAS.Hotsummer project was born earlier this year and was responsible for bringing more art and culture to Casa das Mudas during the summer. The performing arts, music, documentaries and creative workshops all made part of an extensive programme meant to captivate the public’s attention by bringing their heterogeneous audiences an equally varied cultural offer.

The initiative intends to promote art and culture but also to offer contents that can serve as a basis for further contemplation, encouraging the exchange of ideas and experiences.