Sushi & Friends Sunset 2

After the success of the first Sushi & Friends, comes the second ..

With a beautiful sunset like landscape, deep sea diving, fun and sushi, this event will also be accompanied by Dj Carlos Branco who will be in charge of the sound animation.

On the ticket price is included all the schedule, from the catamaran ride, diving, live music, special sushi / nail pieces, and a bottle of wine. They can even be extra requests, paid separately.

Ticket prices range from 42 euros (individual), 82 € (double), 40 € for the participants of the first edition, and the same value for group (four or more people).

The event will take place on September 1st, between 18:30 - 21:30 hours.

For more information and reservations, contact: O endereço de e-mail address está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa ativar o JavaScript enabled para vê-lo.