The man of today doesn’t need a suit and tie to look sophisticated.
All around the world, men are more and more eager to achieve a look that they can truly appreciate. The general requirements for a more conservative style often mean men are afraid to innovate and choose more stylised models. But fashion in general, and men's fashion in particular, is changing.
From the Italian look to English style and everything else in between, fashion for him is increasingly liberating without demanding drastic changes in style. The classic two- or three-piece suit is in fashion, with small details making all the difference.
A tie, for example, can be the accessory of choice, with lighter options inspired by the charismatic '60s, whilst the use of a bow or handkerchief is also making a comeback, creating elegant effects when worn well. It's understandable that a business man, lawyer or politician isn't quite ready for a radical change, but you can always start the process slowly and gradually.
In more liberal professions, open to a more streamlined look as a whole, men working in one of these fields – advertising, new technologies, research, culture – can generally embrace a more cosmopolitan style.
Alongside style and professional requirements, one must also bear in mind the q ua lity of the pieces and accessories. Similarly to women, the higher the quality of material and craftsmanship, the better the final result, this being the fit.
A suit, a jacket, a coat, a shirt, a tie, a scarf, made-tomeasure shoes and quality brands are what ensure elegance and sophistication. Creating personality in an outfit requires a certain openness to and some knowledge of international fashion. In this way, the search for inspiration to achieve stylistic and personal affirmation is essential.
“Style is conquered, it's easier when you're born with a natural predisposition for n atural elegance. We're not all born with it, but we can work it in a way that seems more natural and authentic,” says the designer Jeremy Hackett.
Tom Ford goes further by stating that “masculinity shouldn't be ignored. A man is a man and that's how it should be, but that doesn't mean he can't be modern and like fashion”. In the 21st century, men's need for self-validation is notorious, whether that's through their body, the look they want to achieve or how they want to be seen and appreciated.
Whilst women opt for style that requires less work but that's also elegant in their everyday life, men want to look their best in a way that looks effortless. Luxury brands also show this same sense of aesthetics, c reating more urban, less austere pieces.